Fine+Rare, a leading retailer of fine wines and spirits, had a legacy technology system that couldn’t support the high-growth plans that the business had.
Fine+Rare contracted One Beyond, a bespoke software development company, as their software development partner in 2018. Working together on a Continuous Development Teams partnership, they started off with a ‘hybrid’ solution of insourcing and outsourcing, starting with one developer from One Beyond. This then grew to six developers over the course of 2-3 years, as the project needs changed.
One Beyond introduced a new architecture based on Azure platform services, including build automation, testing and deployment of Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines. James Jackson-Nichols, Managing Director, Market Place at Fine+Rare commented: “They helped us by putting in place a plan and an architecture that moved us away from that legacy system on to a modern, market place, technology stack.”.
With the help of One Beyond, Fine+Rare were able to add crucial technical expertise to its development team and achieve online growth of 400%. “The company [One Beyond] has been the most important partner that we have worked with to enable that.” commented James.